Rotator Cuff Repair

In the heart of Dubai, many within the 40-60 age range lead vibrant, active lifestyles. Yet, this dynamism comes with its wear and tear, particularly on the shoulders, leading to a common ailment: rotator cuff injuries.


I understand the critical role your shoulders play in daily life, and I’m here to guide you back to your active self with cutting-edge rotator cuff repair.

Understanding Your Rotator Cuff​

The rotator cuff, a crucial group of muscles and tendons stabilizing the shoulder, can suffer from tears due to age-related degeneration or physical activity. Symptoms often include persistent shoulder pain, weakness, and difficulty in performing overhead activities, signaling the need for professional intervention.

rotator cuff anatomy and injuries- Dr Farivar Bagheri

symptoms of a rotator cuff tear

Symptoms range from asymptomatic with preserved shoulder function to severe pain and substantial loss of shoulder function and strength.
  • shoulder pain, weakness, and difficulty with overhead or reaching activities
  • Decreased shoulder range of motion

Diagnosis of rotator cuff injury:

  1. Clinical Evaluation
    There are several diagnostic tests that are performed by a specialist doctor like “Jobe test” “external rotation test” and “lift-off test”
  2. Imaging Study
    • Shoulder X-ray
    • Ultrasound
    • MRI

What are the causes of a rotator cuff tear?

A rotator cuff tear can manifest as a result of either acute injuries or, more commonly, chronic conditions.
In chronic cases, the tendons of the rotator cuff may adhere or stick over time, leading to a gradual process of degeneration. This degeneration ultimately culminates in the rupture of the tendon.


While acute injuries can trigger a tear, the chronic nature of this condition highlights the significance of long-term wear and tear on the tendons, emphasizing the importance of preventive measures and early intervention in maintaining shoulder health.

shoulder arthroscopy by Dr Farivar Bagheri
Your Treatment Options
My approach to rotator cuff repair encompasses both surgical and non-surgical methods, tailored to your specific condition. With a focus on minimally invasive techniques, my vast experience and a history of top success rates ensure a procedure that suits your unique needs, aiming for a swift and effective recovery.

What are common treatments for rotator cuff injuries?

non operative management of rotator cuff injury:

  • Ice
  • Reducing activities in which the hand goes above the head
  • Physical therapy
  • Glucocorticoid
  • injection
  • Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP)
  • Stem cell therapy

surgical treatment of rotator cuff injury:

  • arthroscopic
  • open surgeries

Journey to Recovery after rotator cuff repair​

Recovery and rehabilitation are key to a successful outcome. Our comprehensive support system, including tailored physiotherapy, ensures a smooth transition back to daily activities. Through success stories and patient testimonials, we showcase the real-life impacts of our care, providing you with confidence in your recovery journey.
Emirates Hospital Rehabilitation Ward- Rehabilitation after rotator cuff repair

How long does it take to return to normal life after rotator cuff tearing treatment?

The timeframe and capacity to return to sport and heavy labor following a rotator cuff tear depends on many factors, including the:

  • extent and type of injury
  • response to treatment
  • demands placed on the shoulder by the sport or work in question

For patients with relatively sedentary desk jobs, only one week of rest may be necessary, while patients with jobs involving heavy overhead lifting or those who participate in strenuous overhead sports may require six months or longer.

Patients who respond well to physical therapy may return when symptoms subside and they are able to perform the required tasks. Following surgical repair, the timeframe for returning to activity depends upon the procedure performed.

portrait of Dr. Farivar Bagheri - Experienced Orthopedic Specialist in Dubai
Take the Next Step 
If you’re experiencing shoulder pain or suspect a rotator cuff injury, don’t wait for it to worsen.